Showcase Cinemas - UK

Showcase Insider FAQs

This is where you should be able to find answers to any questions you have about Showcase Insider and the benefits of being a part of our free loyalty programme. 

Showcase Insider Cinema Loyalty Club - Main queries

What are my loyalty club benefits?
How do I access my Loyalty Card?
When will my Insider rewards show on my account?
What days can I earn 10% rewards?
When do my Insider rewards expire?

Showcase Insider Loyalty Club - More FAQs

What if I forget to scan my Loyalty Card?
Can I buy a discounted ticket or receive my rewards at the box office without my loyalty card?
Can I purchase an Insider discounted ticket using my Insider rewards?
Who earns the Rewards if attending as part of a group?
Can I purchase two Insider tickets for the same film?
Do I need to show ID when using my Loyalty Card?
Can I register two people using one email address?
Can I transfer my Loyalty Card to another family member / friend to use?
How do I update my details on my Insider account?
How do I update my contact preferences?
I want to close my Loyalty Club account
Why do you require my Personal Data?
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