Enjoy even more great movies with our cinema loyalty program.
Our FREE loyalty program, Showcase Insider, rewards you for your cinema visits. No, really, we actually reward you 10% from all your purchases when scanning your loyalty number, which you can then redeem towards future visits!
And to get you off to a blockbusting start, we’re offering new loyalty members that visit to see a film between 3 February - 31 March a bonus £5 Insider rewards!
Terms and Conditions
- Offer valid at Showcase Cinema de Lux Nottingham, Teesside and Dudley only, for new Insider Members that register for a loyalty account between 3 February and 31 March 2025.
- £5.00 additional Insider rewards will be awarded to qualifying new Insider members that purchase tickets for and sees a film at Showcase Cinema de Lux Nottingham, Teesside or Dudley between 3 February and 31 March 2025.
- The additional rewards to be credited within 14 days after your film session.
- Insider members must be logged in to their account online when purchasing tickets or have their card swiped / scanned at the box office if purchasing at the cinema box office.
- When purchasing for multiple loyalty members under the same transaction, only the primary Insider account will earn rewards and qualify for any valid ticket entries towards any current promotions. The primary Insider account will be either the first Insider card that is scanned by the cashier (if purchasing within the cinema), or the Insider member that was logged into their account when purchasing the tickets online.
- Only one additional reward payment can be earned per qualifying loyalty member.